Other Projects
Santa Claus Girls
It’s an annual fall service project for our club – assisting the Santa Claus Girls in organizing “Santa” bags of gifts to needy children at Christmas each year. We help with sorting and delivery of thousands of packages.
Santa Claus Girls has been distributing gifts to children of Kent County for 116 years. It’s a wonderful all volunteer non-profit organization.
Time of Fast
The Time of Fast (TOF) is an annual International Y’s Men’s/Service Clubs fundraising program that began as monetary assistance made available to areas of developing countries by arrangement with the World Alliance of YMCAs.
TOF is now a popular program where members all over the world, traditionally give up at least one meal (usually during the month of February) and donate the cost of that meal to the TOF fund which in turn makes the money raised in this way available to projects sponsored by both Y Service/Men’s Clubs and the YMCAs all over the world. Since its inception in 1972, TOF has raised about $ 7 million for development projects and disaster relief. Our club over the past seven years has contributed over $22,000 in support of the projects.